
Group 4 subject
Assessments from 2025 to Present


Physics is the most fundamental of the experimental sciences as it seeks to explain the universe itself, from the very smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. Despite the exciting and extraordinary development of ideas throughout the history of physics, observations remain essential to the very core of the subject. Models are developed to try to understand observations, and these themselves can become theories that attempt to explain the observations. Besides helping us better understand the natural world, physics gives us the ability to alter our environments. This raises the issue of the impact of physics on society, the moral and ethical dilemmas, and the social, economic, and environmental implications of the work of physicists. By studying physics, students should become aware of how scientists work and communicate with each other. While the scientific method may take on a wide variety of forms, it is the emphasis on a practical approach through experimental work that characterizes the subject. Teachers provide students with opportunities to develop manipulative skills, design investigations, collect data, analyze results, and evaluate and communicate their findings.

Past Syllabuses

Grade Calculator

Paper 1

Weight: 36%

/ 45

Paper 2

Weight: 44%

/ 50

Individual Investigation

Weight: 20%

/ 24

Predicted Grade
Predicted Mark
Using the undefined grade boundary
Educators Predicted Grades Excel Tool


Predicted Mark Probability Distribution

Historical Grade Boundaries

Historical Grade Boundaries Graph for
SL Physics
SL Physics
Boundary* Markband
M19 TZ1 0132232425465
M19 TZ2 0132335465666
N19 TZ0 0142536465767
N20 TZ0 0142535455668
M21 TZ1 0121825344862
M21 TZ2 0101526375063
M22 TZ1 0112027374758
M22 TZ2 0122132435465
N22 TZ0 0132230404959
M23 TZ1 0112132445668
M23 TZ2 0122235455565
N23 TZ1 0152843516170
N23 TZ2 0152843516170
M24 TZ1 0142438496173
M24 TZ2 0122135455565
HL Physics
Boundary* Markband
M19 TZ1 0132334455667
M19 TZ2 0152639496070
N19 TZ0 0152639495969
N20 TZ0 0163044536473
M21 TZ1 0121825365269
M21 TZ2 0142029395469
M22 TZ1 0121927385063
M22 TZ2 0152535465870
N22 TZ0 0132130405265
M23 TZ1 0122132445668
M23 TZ2 0142437475869
N23 TZ1 0152639495969
N23 TZ2 0152639495969
M24 TZ1 0152438506173
M24 TZ2 0142438485968

*Timezone 0 (Worldwide)

*Timezone 1 (North America, South America)

*Timezone 2 (Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania)

NOTE: N20, M21, N21, M22, N22 grade boundaries were artificially low due to COVID. There were also

NOTE: Beware of using outdated grade boundaries. Many subjects have since updated their syllabus.